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Cabin Trip This Weekend

When: Meet at the church at 4:00 p.m. on Friday January 6. We will return after lunch on January 8. We always call for rides after we have returned to the church and put away all the troop gear.

***There may be a crew coming up on Saturday morning, so if you can’t come Friday and want to come on Saturday, let us know!

Where: We are thankful to Byrum and Lanz Geisler for letting us use their family’s cabins in the Belgium Hollow area of Lee County, Virginia.

IMG_2020-cabinWhat to bring: sleeping bag and ground pad, clothes for the season, eating kit (cup, plate, spoon, fork), flashlight, and personal items

Cost for the weekend is $20 to cover food and transportation costs.

***Food for the weekend is provided, but please bring money to stop on Friday evening and maybe Sunday afternoon for a fast food meal.

What not to bring: any items from the forbidden items list, including cell phones, music players, unapproved reading materials, glass bottles, etc.

What will we do: Have FUN! We will play in the woods, take a mountaintop hike, go swimming in the lake (just kidding), and give anyone who wants an opportunity to work on requirements for merit badges or rank advancement

For more info: Contact Mr. Rutherford