Upcoming Events

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Ski Trip and Lock-in: R.S.V.P by January 30

Who: Scouts, families, and friends.

When: We will meet at the church at 3:00 p.m. on Friday February 1 (or as soon as you can get there after school). We will finish early Saturday morning after breakfast.

Where: We will drive in the church van to Ski Beech in Banner Elk, NC to enjoy evening skiing, return for overnight at the church, and attend the lighting of the Continuous Campfire on Saturday morning.

Bring: Warm clothes for skiing. Dress in layers – long underwear, warm pants and shirt, warm socks, warm coat, gloves, hat, etc. Waterproof is best. Sleeping bag or blankets, pad, sleep clothes, etc. for sleeping back at the church. Extra set of dry clothes for the lighting of the campfire on Saturday morning.

Cost: $40 (covers transportation, lift ticket, rentals, lesson, helmet, and meal voucher) You will need pocket money for breakfast on Saturday.

More info: You may contact Mr. Rutherford at 423-335-7542.

R.S.V.P: by January 30 — please let us know if you’re coming and if you’re bringing family or friends so that we can plan for transportation needs. We DEFINITELY need some parent volunteers to help with logistics at the slopes. You don’t have to ski or buy a lift ticket to help. You just have to help us get through rentals and lessons. Then, you can watch our scouts learning to ski OR have some hot chocolate in the lodge!